Episode 0 – I need to start somewhere

It is super frustrating to start a new project and not even be able to launch it properly. Honestly it just sucks.

A few weeks ago I came up with an idea to start a revolutionary project that would change my life as is. Of course I was exited to get it started – turns out the issues I was trying to solve with that new project were the same ones keeping me from actually putting it into full action. This is where my project is now:

After thinking about a fitting name for my project and looking for a relative cheap yet relevant domain name I ordered fullstopthebullshit.com and quickly added a hosting plan to it. Since I am already familiar with WordPress and some useful plugins I added them to the site and started creating. Now this is where it eventually stopped.

Having the very basics down is all good and all but I was (and still am) struggling to find a fitting design theme. Do I go for a classic, serious, hopeful, offbeat or funny look? Maybe I want to combine them, maybe not. Long story short I am struggling to find a fitting theme for the whole website and project.

These are the struggles I go through. Pretty stupid I know, so this is where I thought about this platform again.

write.as was the first platform I started writing on. I remember seeing it listed as a privacy and minimalist focused personal blogging platform that didn’t require much to start out on – just pure thoughts and the ability to publish them without much hassle.

It looked interesting and so I created my first blog here. All good I thought – but I wanted more.

Having your own website/digital space always appealed to me. The freedom to freely create was something I was always wanting and so I thought about making my own blog – on my own website this time.

In the time following I created multiple websites and blogs of sorts, all aimed at giving me more freedom to express myself in different ways on the internet. It was all great and all but I didn’t see much personal progress happening. I wasn’t happier, I wasn’t fulfilled. All things you might argue are impossible to reach with such simple changes. Turns out I have ADD which makes me prone to this sort of behavior as the two major factors of that disorder that I have are impulsiveness and short attention spans. Sounds like a good prerequisite to start things and never finish them right? Yeah, just what I noticed from myself countless times in the past.

Now I have medication which does help to a certain degree (only when I take it ofc haha yea lol go figure) . I would also go as far as to call myself a man with dedication. Yet I need to start thing simple and so this is where I am at now.

Back again, on write.as. Mark this as the prelude to my first real episode on the “fullstopthebullshit” blog.

I hope that you are there for the first real episode where I will explain what this blog and the whole project is about if you haven’t guessed already by this entry and it’s name.

Until then, have a good one!